Rev. LaShawn G. Kaigler
Reverend LaShawn G. Kaigler was born and raised in Detroit, MI. He is the son of late
Wilbert and Catherine Kaigler.
Reverend Kaigler was educated in the Wayne County (MI) Public
School System. Upon graduating from Hamtramck High School, he went on
to join the United States Navy.
March 31, 2017 Reverend Kaigler retired from the United States Navy where
he served 23 years. Reverend Kaigler accepted the call of Christ upon his life
at the age of 21 at New Ebenezer Missionary Baptist church in Detroit, MI. In
1993, he surrendered to the Call of the Ministry; and preached his first sermon on the first Sunday in January 1993. Revered Kaigler was licensed as a Minister of the Gospel on January 10th 1993, ordained in May 2004. Reverend Kaigler has been blessed by God to preach in various settings all around the United States of America and seven other countries. Kaigler has received his undegraded degree in criminal Justice and is now currently perusing his Master in Theology from the Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus Ohio. Reverend Kaigler serves as the Vice President of Providence for State Congress.
Reverend Kaigler lives his life as a man of God knowing that he has been called by God to preach a “Now Word” to this
generation. He has a clear understanding of 2 Timothy 4:2 and knows that he has to “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.” Reverend Kaigler is a humble man who continues to, give God the glory for the great things that He has done.